The "voice feature" isn’t working.

When you first access the voice feature, our app asks you for microphone permission. If you say "Don't Allow", the voice activation feature isn't enabled. You technically do not have to allow the app to access the microphone, but the majority of the app’s activities do indeed make use of the microphone. Your child will be missing out on a significant portion of the app’s features.

APPLE (iPhone or iPad)

You probably have the microphone turned off on your device or for this specific app. To fix this problem, go to your device’s "Settings" -> "Privacy" -> "Microphone" -> find the Speech Blubs app on the list and tap the button on the right to enable microphone access.


You probably have the microphone turned off on your device or for this specific app. To fix this problem, go to your device’s "Settings" -> “Apps” -> Speech Blubs -> Permissions -> find the Microphone on the list and tap the button on the right to enable microphone access.

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