How to use Speech Blubs with Articulation disorder - targeting & learning specific sounds

Did you know that millions of people in the United States have some type of speech impediment? 


Assistive technology has made a big impact on children who have Articulation disorder and other Speech related problems. Our app, Speech Blubs, was developed to help them with their speech and language skills. It contains a vast number of different sections for teaching those who are just developing or reacquiring language functions. Thousands of parents have seen how Speech Blubs has activated their children's speaking abilities.

Kid models in Speech Blubs have been checked for pronunciation so their sound execution is near-perfect. In some cases, it is enough to simply use our app 10 minus every other day, and the child's brain picks up the correct pattern. Make sure practice takes place when your child is calm and in his familiar environment with as little distraction as possible. As a parent, you play a crucial role. Really be there with and for your child, praise them as often as possible, and also help them hold the device if needed. Many prefer Mouth gym activities. 

For warmup use activities in Guess What or Guess the Sounds section. You can use this for just a couple of minutes. It’s based on guessing and comprehension, so your child should be fine.  After that, we suggest you try out Early Sounds. These sections were designed specifically to boost children's vocabulary. You can also use the silent activities in the Mouth Gym section, just as fun(ny)  icebreakers.

Use Speech Blubs to develop oral motor strength and sharpen skills. Start with 5 to 10 words that all have simple structures and sounds that your child is already good at. Let them choose the section (topic) but direct them to the simple words.  

Repetition and patience are key, but try to make it as fun as possible! Let your child repeat words during your Speech Blubs daily routine, but don’t force them. Especially don’t try to force the child to repeat in real life just yet. This might shut them down and slow their progress down.  Merely 10 minutes every other day can make all the difference. 

Therapists usually start with the simplest sounds and words that include targeted sounds. If your child has problems making or learning specific sounds we recommend reading the following articles:

In these articles, we have included a list of words that are included in our app and on which you can practice making targeted sounds. 

If you don't have the app, you can download the app from the App Store ( or Google Play ( For more information about the app visit

It’s worth mentioning that speech and language impairments requiring long-term attention generally remain manageable. A school’s speech-language pathologist should work with both teachers and parents to discuss a child’s needs and how to best meet them.

In short, use Speech Blubs briefly and targeted. Make your sessions low on pressure, low on expectation, and high on fun. Use praise liberally, even if your child is not succeeding but is visibly trying. Be patient; miracles don’t always happen overnight. Write to us for any more information or if anything is unclear. Know that you have an ally in Speech Blubs.

Best of luck!

Team Speech Blubs

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