Get a refund - Android
If our app doesn’t meet your expectations, it’s only fair that you get a refund. Please send us your ORDER ID number at and we will issue a refund for you. It looks like a long series of characters "GPA-XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XXXX..1", or write to us the email used to buy the Speech Blubs subscription.
Here's how you cancel your subscription:
1. Launch the Google Play Store app.
2. Tap Menu -> My Apps -> Subscriptions and tap on the app of the subscription you’d like to cancel.
Alternatively, tap Menu -> My Apps -> Tap the app of the subscription you’d like to cancel -> Tap the app’s details page. Tap “Cancel” and “Yes” to confirm the cancellation. Now, the status of this Subscription has been changed from Subscribed to Canceled.