CH Sound - How to use Speech Blubs to learn the CH [tʃ] consonant

Sometimes children struggle with making the CH sound, which typically begins to develops at around the age of 5, as an initial, medial or final sound.  They usually master the sound by the age of 7.

CH consonant is most often paired with JJ consonant because they take the same mouth position. These consonants have a stop consonant component, but unlike stop consonants, they are always released. They each contain two sounds for the CH, we are combining the T and the SH, to make CH. The CH [tʃ] consonant is unvoiced, meaning only air passes through the mouth. 

Many parents and SLPs reach out to us and download our app to acquire practice. We will give you a better idea of how to make this sound by watching the video below which shows the tongue position in illustrations and how to properly pronounce the CH sound. 

After watching this video open our app, Speech Blubs, and practice the words that include the CH consonant in them. Download the app from the App Store App Store ( or Google Play ( 

To practice making the CH consonant here is the list of sections and words in them that you can practice with your child: 

  • Ride your Wheels: Train sound.

We also recommend using the section "Mouth Gym" to warm up a bit before practice. The "Mouth Gym" section is designed to increase children's awareness of how their mouth work, as well as their coordination, range of motion and endurance. 

Learn more about our app, click here: 

We wish you happy Blubbing!



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